Wednesday 25 March 2015

Evaluation Question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Feedback: Second Arabella Unfinished Draft

After posting the second draft video on YouTube and then once again sharing it around we were able to gather some more feedback to help us further refine our video.


Callum George:
Positive Elements:

Wide variety of camera angles, at varying focal lengths.
Nice use of camera dolly to create moving shots.
Stylistic monochrome effect applied to all shots is inkeeping with the bands prefered style.
The use of a band and vocalist helps to sell the illusion of muscians performing the song in the music video.
The slow motion shots of different obects (such as the fire and gasmask) help to break up the long periods of vocals.

At times the use of slow motion seemed unnessecary and unfitting with the pace of the vocals and instruments.
There were a few incidences where the lip syncing did not quite match up with the intensity of Alex Turners singing voice. Consider cutting to a different angle or shot all together.
At The beginning of the video there is a rather long pause before the song begins to play. Maybe this could be improved by increasing or adding a sound clip of a record spinning.
 Consider linking the context of the filler shot to the vocals in the song.

Mrs Hill:
At the start of the video there is a strong beat that starts the song at 4 sec in. I think that you need to cut to that beat - so cut from the record player to the lead singer at the point.
At around 45 sec in you use an effect - kind of like it is aged footage with scratches and a white line that appears to run through the middle of the clip.  I like the effect but I think this is the only time you use it.  It is a good idea to use effect more than once (to show that you have not just included them because you could.) Maybe every time we that sort of mid shot of the lead singer you should have that effect - then we link the effect to that character. You could add it in to the shot at 1:18.  If there are other effects that you have used only once try to incorporate them in somewhere else as well (but with a reason)
At 48 sec in the lead singer stops singing - I think it looks like an error.  I would remove that portion of the clip
Not sure some of the slow motions work e.g. at 1:36 - there is a very strong series of guitar notes that is not matched by action.  maybe cut to the light at that point - cutting to the beat of the music is a good technique to use and if you use it here you can keep most of the slow motion
Not sure about the shot at 2:08 where you have used a MLS of the lead and drummer.  The lead is playing with his hair but we here singing.  It kind of break the continuity of the performance.  This shot would be better in an instrumental moment
When we see the bass guitarist again at around 2:50 I think you should use the ghosting effect that you used in an early shot with him - again this shows that the effect is linked to the bass player and not just used because it was cool.
And obviously no black patches in the final one...

Production: Second Arabella Unfinished Draft

Sunday 22 March 2015

Feedback: First Arabella Unfinished Draft

After posting the video of our first draft on YouTube then sharing it around both via Facebook and too our friends directly we were able to gather some early feedback that will have a critical impact on the overall feel and outcome of our Music Video.

Jack's feedback is generally very positive and the main aspect he brings attention to is the eye, and how it seems out of place. This may just be due to it was the end of the draft and was a way longer clip than we initially intended, taking this on board we will most defiantly work to improve this aspect.
Jonathan's feedback is also very positive drawing attention to the fact that the smoke machine effect is 'really cool' which is a remark that we got from many people.
Ruben's feedback is also mainly positive and extremely detailed. He says that he also agrees that the smoke effect is amazing, and there is a need for more shots of the fire. He also loves the lighting and the glare you get into the camera from the lights along with the black and white contrast that emphasis this. The areas which he feels that we can improve on with our current draft is in relation to the pacing of the video, which we both all agree is currently a bit 'off' we will work to retime the music video and keep to a more consistent video speed. Another key area which he dislikes is the objects that feel out of place, such as the eye and mirroring effect as they are currently only used once and he does not understand there purpose, we will attempt to change this by making the concept aspect of the video see more 'sliced' in almost as transition clips to ensure that it does make sense. Another suggestion he has is that we make objects that require focus to be colour and then the surroundings black and white, this is something that would change our theme quite drastically but is something we will defiantly consider trying out.
Joe's feedback is also mainly positive, he thought it was awesome and the only area that could be improved is to do with the lip syncing slightly off which we will look into re-timing, altho this issue could be due to the platform it was viewed on as when we viewed it on smaller devices the lips were barely visible and did lead to us also thinking that the lip syncing was off.
Francesca's and Elise's feedback was short and sweet that they thought it was fabulous and that they rather enjoyed it! Which is always some good feedback to receive for a first draft!
Alice's feedback was also short and sweet saying that the video was 'gorgeous' which we are also glad about receiving more positive comments, especially for our first unfinished draft of our music video.

Production: First Arabella Unfinished Draft

Sunday 15 March 2015

Ancillary: Finished Website Construction Adobe Muse

We decided to construct our website using an advanced piece of software called Adobe Muse, both of us had a small amount experience of using it prior to this task. We decided it would be far better for us to build our website using Adobe Muse when compared to online services such as Wix due to the creative freedom that a piece of software such as Adobe Muse allows. Adobe Muse does not restrict you to templates instead the whole site can be built from scratch, which is what we have managed to achieve.